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Project 1 Final Blog


Updated: Dec 11, 2020

My influences in art come from surrealist painters and movies. My art practice started when I began using my mom’s camera for yearbook photos in middle school. Shortly after I began using Photoshop to manipulate my photos and mimic surrealistic art. As I grew older I became interested in street photography. To this day, my artwork is focused on capturing the human experience from its many unique perspectives. For this project I used projection mapping software called MadMapper. My goal for this project was to contrast the media that I was exposed to at a young age to the shocking media that I watch now. In order to do that, I wanted to make the viewer feel nostalgic. I achieved this by starting the performance off with a familiar introduction found on Disney VHS tapes. I then quickly transitioned to videos and commercials that made me feel like I was growing up. Towards the end of the performance I played shocking videos that I see a lot in today’s media. I chose to play the Wutang Clan song Tearz because I enjoyed how the beat switch played along with the sharp contrast in the content of my videos. Using MadMapper was a fun experience because using the software was similar to playing an instrument and I think that shows in the end product.

Screenshots from video:



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